Frequently Asked Questions
Cosmic Wimpout originated in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Two travellers came upon the game and liked it so much they shared it with people everywhere they went. Many of these people liked it, played it, and wondered where on earth they could find it!
This is a Guide to the Cosmic Wimpout Experience. These small cubes will bring you and your friends hours of fun once you know how to use them. So pick them up and hold them while you read on.
Cosmic Wimpout is like life - the interaction of chance and strategy is contained in the play of the game. The more you play the game, the more you’ll see that Cosmic Wimpout is indeed like life - sometimes you’re in the Cosmos, and sometimes you Wimp Out! So have fun.
What the Heck is Cosmic Wimpout?
If the first time you heard "Cosmic Wimpout," you said, "Cosmic What?" then you need to know that Cosmic Wimpout is a Dice Game that's Pure Fun.
You play by rolling the five Cosmic Wimpout cubes and get points for each 5, 10, or Flash (triplet) that you roll. You can accumulate points towards the Winning Total by ending your turn or risking it all, because if you roll and don't score, you lose all the points for that turn and the next player goes.
Sounds simple, until you add or make up, more rules. This ever-changing game blends the interaction of chance and strategy. Whether you believe in statistics or the mystic, within moments you will experience great elation and crushing disappointment.
So, pick up your Cosmic Wimpout dice cubes and be prepared to exercise your fun side. But remember, it's more than an experience, it's the game!
What Do You Need to Play?
All you really need are the five magical Cosmic Wimpout dice cubes. Four are white with a "5," "10," or one of the symbolic symbols on each of the sides. The black cube is known as the "Sun" die. It's just like the other cubes, except the "Flaming Sun" (or Sun-Star) appears.
Is There Anything Special About the "Flaming Sun?"
Yes, there is! The Flaming Sun is a wild card, and can be made a "5," "10," part of a Flash (triplets), or nothing at all.
What's Up with the Scoreboard?
When we first started, we would just write down the scores. Eventually, one of us got the bright idea to create a scoreboard, which also serves as a convenient rolling surface. Players use a lucky piece or a convenient coin as their marker. Of course, there are special Scoreboard Rules.
How Do I Learn How to Play?
Cosmic Wimpout has been available for almost 30 years and there are a lot of players out there. The easiest way to learn how to play is to ask someone who knows. Or, go to How To Play, and learn the basic game with the Cosmic Wimpout Rules. Then feel free to add More Rules or make up your own!
Were my friends making up the rules as we went along?
Well, no, yes, could be... Everyone starts with the Basic Game and then can add More Rules. On this website, we have the Basic Game with the Cosmic Wimpout Rules. For your enjoyment, we have added More Rules, many of which have been sent to us by Cosmic Wimpout players. But, remember, the real game is the way you play so you are encouraged to make up your own rules.
And we love it when you let us know about your new rules, sayings, stories, or tournaments!
What is the Guiding Light, or when can more rules be introduced during the game?
Before a game begins, the players select the Winning Total, and the rules for various rolls. During the game, players can (and are encouraged to) make up their own rules. The Guiding Light says that new rules may be added at any time, provided all players agree. The new rule always goes into effect the next time the situation occurs.
What is the Winning Total?
Each player rolls the dice and tries to score points by rolling "5"s, "10"s, or Triplets (three of a kind). The goal is to accumulate points until your score passes the Winning Total. We recommend 300 or 500 points. However, a scoreboard may favor a different Winning Total. For example, the Berkeley Board goes to 1,200 points.
Who goes first?
For the first game, each player rolls one cube (not the Sun Die, please). The player who rolls the highest face goes first: "10," Stars (6), "5," Lightening Bolts (4), Pyramids (3), and Half Moons (2). If two or more players match the highest roll, those players roll off to break the tie (unless you decide that everyone re-rolls).
The previous game's winner goes first for the next game.
Who goes next?
Generally, we follow the direction of the path of the scoreboard. If you are not using a scoreboard, it's up to you, as we can't remember how we used to do it.
What happens if a die goes off the scoreboard or onto the floor?
We play that you have to re-roll all cubes thrown on that roll. We also play that you only re-roll the offending cube. Some players play it as it lands, wherever that may be.
Do I have to take scoring dice?
Yes, whenever you roll a five, ten, or a Flash, you must take that score. You do not have to score points with the Flaming Sun. Of course, if it is the only scoring option and you make it a nothing, you wimpout.
What is a Flash?
A Flash, also known as Triplets, is three of a kind on the same roll. That's right. A Flash must be rolled on the same throw of the dice. Three of a kind with several rolls during the same turn does not a Flash make.
If I roll the Flaming Sun with a pair, do I have to score it as a Flash?
We play you do, and call it the Flaming Sun Rule. In Nassau Country, they play easy Suburban Pool-side Rules, where you don't.
What does Opting to Stop or Opt to Stop mean?
In order to accumulate points toward the winning total, you must voluntarily end your turn or Opt to Stop. By opting to stop, all your points for that turn are added to your total score for the game, for your new game total.
Otherwise, you may risk all of your points for the turn by opting to roll again. You can only roll the dice that do not count as points (unless of course another rule would override this)
Remember, any time you score, you may Opt to Stop, unless a rule makes you roll again. But take care, if you roll again, if you don't roll a "5," a "10," or a flash, you will Wimpout, and lose all your points for the turn.
What is Wimping Out or a Wimpout?
Any time you roll and don't get a "5," a "10," a Flash, or a Freight Train, you Wimpout. You lose all the points for that turn and it's the next player's turn. There are some exceptions. See Re-Roll Rule.
Good news: When you Wimpout, you only lose the points rolled on that turn, not your accumulated point total for the game. (Unless of course you are playing the Sun-Star Tournament Rules, but that's a story for another day)
One more time: Any time you roll the dice, you must get a "5," a "10," a Flash, or wimpout, which means you forfeit all the points obtained on that turn.
What is a Cosmic Wimpout?
A Cosmic Wimpout is an unusually fun roll that ends with a player wimping out and losing a lot of points. It usually happens after the player is forced to keep rolling by the Futtless Rule, Re-Roll Rule, or the You May Not Want To But You Must Rule. You will know when it happens by all the laughter and twisted expression on the face of the victim-player.
Can you tell me more about the Opening Roll?
For your first score, you need to roll at least 35 points to get in the game. This is like Jacks or better to open in Poker. Usually, you will see a special symbol on a scoreboard at the 35 point space.
We have a friend who calls himself Armageddon. He plays that his opening roll has to be 335 points. He doesn't get in many games, but when he does, he usually wins.
Can you tell me more about the Futtless Rule?
As you know, the Futtless Rule says that after a Flash, you have to roll all of the non-scoring cubes. You cannot stop and keep your points. You have to roll again.
New players need to remember that you only roll the non-scoring dice. You have to keep and score any "5" or "10" that was rolled with the Flash.
The Futtless Rule adds a lot of fun, because it makes you roll and take a chance when you might otherwise want to stop and keep your points. One day in Hawaii, Rick the Surf named this rule, when he was told that he had to keep rolling when he had 285 points. He looked up and said, "That's Futtless," and it has been so ever since.
Note: The Futless Rule applies after any Freight Train that does not end the game for that player.
And the Re-Roll Clause?
As you know, the Re-Roll Clause comes into play on the roll after the Futtless Rule, which requires that all non-scoring dice be rolled again. The Re-Roll Clause comes into play if any one of the cubes rolled matches the Flash. If so, all the dice just thrown must be rolled again.
New players need to remember that if any one of the dice thrown matches the Flash, you must re-roll all of the dice just rolled and not only the one that matched the Flash. This would even include a "5" or a "10." The Re-Roll Clause only applies to the roll right after the Flash. Once you clear the Flash, you can roll anything.
If you are into game theory, this is a very unique rule, as sometimes it helps you and sometimes it hurts... If you get this, you got it.
Note: the Re-Roll Clause does not apply after a Freight Train.
What if I roll a Four of a Kind?
Four of a kind are scored as triplets and another die. If the fourth die is non-scoring, you can roll it again. If it is a "5" or a "10," you have to take it.
What is Doubles worth?
Doubles are two of a kind on the same throw. If you roll two fives or tens, you would score each face for a total of 10 or 20 points. Otherwise, as Snorky would say, "Double ain't worth squat."
What is a Train Wreck?
There is a roll that is so bad that it has its own name. If on any throw of all five dice, you do not get any scoring cubes ("5," "10," Triplet, or Flaming Sun), then you Wimpout, or Trainwreck.
We don't know why, but many people Train Wreck on their first throw of the dice. So there is a rule that if you Train Wreck the first time you ever roll, you get to throw again.
PS: If you roll a Train Wreck three turns in a row, some play that you have to run around the room three times, yelling, "Clear the tracks! Clear the tracks!" Don't ask how they play it in New Jersey...
BoxCars! What are BoxCars?
BoxCars appear in any roll where there are only two cubes left and both have "star" faces showing. When there are only BoxCars as the non-scoring dice, and you are trying to decide whether or not to "Opt to Stop" or roll again, be aware, some people say, "Never roll into BoxCars"! Others always do.
Freight Trains... What's the Story?
One day, Eskimo Joe Quinn rolled 5 "star" cubes on a single roll and pondered, "2 and 1/2 BoxCars, that must be worth something". Well, it didn't take long before it was decided that five "stars" on the same throw was an automatic win. And Eskimo Joe was awarded when the other players waived the Guiding Light Rule and gave him the automatic win on the spot.
Conrad B rolled the five stars for an automatic win on his very first roll of the dice. He immediately decided to retire as an undefeated Champion.